Thursday, March 26, 2015

What Did I do to Experience the Dramatic Transformation?

Read the ENTIRE BulletProof Diet book (!   Things can change for you because they do work IF you follow it as he outlines.


This is the staple of the diet.  In the morning you do not have nor do you need any breakfast.  The ONLY thing you have for breakfast is the bulletproof coffee.  Do not eat breakfast!  OK…how to make the bulletproof coffee:

1.       Purchase the coffee, and Brain Octane from  I would recommend you purchase the kit on the main page that comes with two bags of coffee and a 32 oz. bottle of the Brain Octane.  (Approx. $67).  The coffee is washed and packaged in such a way that the toxin levels are dramatically less than any other coffee on the market.  All coffee purchased elsewhere has a lot of toxins and mold.  His method of cleansing and packaging gets rid of most of it and you can actually taste the difference.

2.       Purchase Kerrygold or other butter that comes from grass fed cows.  Believe me it makes a difference.

3.       Purchase a French press coffee maker (Approx. $20). Using a french press allows you to get the most out of the coffee beans which is lost through drip coffee makers and other methods.  A Youtube video on how to use a French Press can be found at:

4.       Use 3 scoops of coffee beans in the French press and add about an inch of water just to cover the grounds. Leave for 30 seconds for the ground to breathe.

5.       Pour in the remainder of the boiling water (Approx. ¾ full) and let sit for about 3:30.  Press and pour into Magic Bullet (

6.       Pour coffee into Magic Bullet, add 2 Tbsp. of the grass fed butter and 1 Tbsp. of the brain octane.  Mix for approximately 30-45 seconds. When you pour it out it will have the consistency and taste of a cappuccino…but BETTER! J  Add some Stevia (All natural sweetener-liquid drops approx. 11 drops per cup) and put some cinnamon on top.  Tastes great! 

1.       Make sure you pick up grass fed beef, lamb, organs, organic chicken and organic eggs.  These have far fewer toxins and garbage in them as grain fed animals. 

2.       There are recipes in the Bulletproof diet (i.e. bulletproof meatballs, stew, etc.) that are great to start with.

3.       Get a book on Paleo Diet recipes that allow you to eat in the same manner but offers a greater variety of foods to eat from. 

1.       Cut out all breads, grains, pasta, potatoes, etc.  These foods are not good for you at the best of times but during the Bulletproof two week program you will definitely want to stay away from them.

2.       You can have sweet potatoes on occasion.  I cut them up and bake them with some basting oil and brain octane and they taste great!

1.       I would encourage you to drink only water and the coffee during the two week program he outlines. 

2.       Avoid dairy, fruit juices, soda, alcohol, etc.  All of these have ingredients that are pretty bad for you and will hinder the progress you make during the two weeks.  You can always slowly try and re-introduce these into your diet after the two week program, and you will see very quickly if they have negative effects on you physically, mentally or emotionally.

This should be enough info to get you started.  As a personal testimony, between the Bulletproof Diet and maintaining a Paleo Diet, I have shed 39 lbs. since mid-December 2014, stopped taking all of my neurological meds, weaning off the meds for my arthritis, have greater thinking (Cognitive) abilities in over 18 years, not as fatigued, not a single instance of acid reflux/heartburn, not foggy headed, increased vision, etc.  It has made a dramatic change in my life and if you seriously want to make changes in your life, follow the program properly, and maybe even work out for 15-20 minutes (As recommended in the book) once or twice a week, I am confident you will notice the incredible results as I have.

Please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any additional questions about it or what I am doing regarding the diet, maintaining, working out, etc.  I am more than happy to share the little knowledge I have with you.

If you have MS you may want to read about the amazing transformation of Dr. Terry Wahls, who wrote the book, The Wahls Protocol.  She has MS and made some changes in her diet and has had some tremendous results from doing so.  She shares her history, diagnosis, her thought process, and changes she made to rid herself of almost all symptoms and issues of her MS.  You would probably find it very helpful and encouraging.

Until Next Time,

Ray Campbell

Friday, October 21, 2011

Introduction - Massive Transformation!

December 2014...what a challenging month from a  health perspective and yet the launchpad to move me into making decisions to alter my diet and seek guidance from God and others to improve my overall health.

Hello.  My name is Ray Campbell, and like so many others, I submitted myself to a very poor lifestyle when it came to my health.  I ate what I felt like eating, drank what I felt like drinking, chose to become idle and not excercise any longer, and pretty much gave up on becoming healthy.  I know I am not the only one who has found themselves in this state along the way.  Life seems to get in the way sometimes with responsibilities of raising a family, full-time employment, pursuing college, engaging ministry within our church, etc.  I chose to not make my health one of the priorities until I hit the bottom of the barrel in December 2014.

Future posts will explain in detail what I went through and what drove me to the point of even seeking to change my diet and activities (or lack thereof).  I will also share step by step what changes I incorporated, how I incorporated them, some recipes that I have been using regularly, coffee mixed with grass fed cow butter (Yes, you read right! See video at top of page) and implementing supplement and some smart excercising along the way.

I know for those of you that are concerned about a paleo diet, how it was developed, additional costs when using grass fed meats, organic vegetables and fruits, cutting out grains, breads and pastas, etc.  I am confident that I will be able to explain things to you in a way that makes sense, shows that you do not need to embrace evolution in order to engage a paleo diet, and how the foods we eat are created by God and offer all the nutrients we could ever need for our bodies and our health.

My health has improved dramatically over the past 3 and a half months including increased cognitive abilities, increased strength/stamina/energy, elimination of neurological medication, decreased joint pain (I suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis), elimination of acid reflux/heartburn (I could have kept Zantact in business by myself), and an added/unexpected benefit of losing 37 lbs since Christmas and still losing!

I hope you check back again for more information that it will be helpful as you consider making changes in your life as well!

Happy Health to you!

Ray Campbell